*L'kabbalah l'emet ul'kehilla: For LGBT acceptance, truth and community with a Jewish flare*

02 September 2008

Love, Lust & Lies, Baby

Dear Hearts, we run into yet another crisis with our lovely's out there.

How do you react when your man tells you that he wants to be a stripper or maybe even a porn star? Is this any different if he told you that he wanted to practice Voodoo, or if he wanted to go and buy a casino in the middle of Alaska with all the money you saved over the years? What is the appropriate response to this issue?

I feel that if my man was to tell me that he wanted to be a stripper on top of his 9-5 job, we would have a problem. When would we have time for each other? If he wanted to do just stripping, I would have to feel some type of way about that. Now, I don't look down on strippers, escorts or "massage therapist", because I've done a share of things in my life, and because of THAT is where my fear arises. Since I know the game and what happens in it, I wouldn't be able to sit comfortably around our house knowing what my man is doing. (And please stop focusing on my past life and attend to the issue at hand, thank you.)

Now, this porn star thing? Not even up for discussion. Whether its legal or not, whether it's contracted or not, having sexual intercourse OUTSIDE of the relationship is cheating (please see blog entitled "Trust or No Trust"). Even worse, its premeditated cheating...with benefits. If I wanted the world to see my man fuck (or get fucked) by other men and/or women, I would actually DATE a porn star. So my stance here is, if he can't respect that decision then he is NOT the one you need to be spending time with.

What do you think?

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