*L'kabbalah l'emet ul'kehilla: For LGBT acceptance, truth and community with a Jewish flare*

04 October 2010

Hateful World, Dumb Society

I was sitting in my bathroom thinking of how to style my hair and ran across a Time magazine about pregnant women. Ironic? Yes. But it wasn't this article that drew me in, it was the article about Fred Phelps Westboro Church in Topeka, Kansas that had picketed a dead soldiers funeral with signs saying 'Thank G-d for 9-11', 'G-d hates fags' and 'Thank G-d for dead soldiers'. Their reasoning behind this picketing, which the solider Matt Synder wasn't gay by the way, is that G-d is punishing American soldiers for our tolerance of homosexuality. My mind didn't go to the current lawsuit about the 1st Amendment battle in the Supreme Court now, but it went to how our world can be so bias to shit that happens day to day.

These fanatic Christians see protesting a dead soldier's funeral nonetheless as doing and carrying  out the work of Jesus. That this kind of behavior is indeed sanctioned and approved by his will. Now, I am completely over the whole 'G-d hates fag' ordeal, I am used to it, but it's the '9-11' and 'Dead Soldiers' signs; held by little kids as well, that breaks my heart. The society as a whole doesn't even condemn this kind of behavior, but let the fanatic Jews fuck up once and it's 'lets reinstate the Holocaust' or 'burn synagogue libraries'. Let the fanatic Muslims fly a plane into tall buildings and it's 'Dedicate a day to burn Qu'rans'. But when we have a fanatic Christian leading thousands of people to mass suicide, it's 'Oh let's turn our head'. Or Jerry Falwell's many stupid and idiotic remarks about abortion and fagatry, and it's 'Oh, that's sad to hear.' Or Pat Robinson's remark about Haiti making a deal with the devil 700 years ago and 'that's why G-d sent that massive earthquake.'

We live in a hateful world and dumb society that thinks that fanatic Christians should only be slapped on the wrist and then keep it moving. It's the laws of mathematics that what you do to one side, you do to the other. If these people are gonna condemn Muslim, Jews, Catholics and every other religion known to man, then do it to everyone. Oh, but that would require looking into the mirror and blaming themselves. You have Eddie Long convicted of sexual assault on these men and majority of people are sticking with him, but let a Catholic priest be convicted of molestation of an alter boy, regardless of age, and we want his head on a silver platter.

It's this type of hypocrisy on issues like homosexuality in our society that has lead to a frightening number of young children, CHILDREN, to commit suicide over being bullied by their sexual orientation. Not just this month, but in years prior. If we, as a society, do not change and reform our 1934 views on life issues, then we will surely be stunted in our growth and in our maturity as an nation that was once deemed 'Land of the Free'. It's sad, but it's true.


Son of Baldwin said...

Well, be prepared for the Supreme Court to gag you because Antonin Scalia is going to lead the conservative court in saying that wicked ass Fred Phelps is protected by the First Amendment.

D. Mos FABOLOUS 1 said...
