*L'kabbalah l'emet ul'kehilla: For LGBT acceptance, truth and community with a Jewish flare*

01 December 2009

Happy Holidays

As we roll around to the end of year 2009 and slowly but swiftly approach 2010, we enter the one time a year people actually show who they really are. The shopping frenzy that takes over the under paid people's mind, the "shove down your throat" decorations of Christmas, when not everyone celebrates it, the predjustice of only selling an item for ONE holiday in a month that has about 4 holidays in it. The list goes one. This holiday season let us all reflect and remember the time we shared with our loved ones, our families, our friends, and ones who have passed away.

These memories are the ones that will visit us in our time of despair, in our time of need and in our time of loneliness. We are fundamentally never alone even when we are by ourselves. As humans we have the capability to recall certain memories and its this power that can both heal and destroy us. I challenge you this holiday season; whether you celebrate Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, or Boxing Day, to live in the present, smile on the beautiful good memories, and cast away the negative one. It's a new day, and if the Mayans are correct, we have two more years to live. (laugh out loud) But honestly, why waste this time in sorrow, pain and negativity?

Happy Holidays to you and yours.

Jonny B. Mitchell

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