*L'kabbalah l'emet ul'kehilla: For LGBT acceptance, truth and community with a Jewish flare*

14 December 2009

Break Up...easier said than done.

I can't help but blog about a recent accident that happened over the holiday. I ended my longest relationship with a man who probably loved me, but his problem was that he wasn't showing it in the manner that computed with my mind. It was just like a soap opera or something that would happen on Desperate Housewives. We had been mad at each other since the Hanukkah started and after a lot of thinking and letting my feelings do the thinking, he came in and hugged me and I said the line of death, 'I don't want to be with you anymore.'

I can't say that it was the right thing to do, but I sit here now wondering if it was. If so, why do I feel guilty? Why does it feel like a pain in my chest? Is it truly, let go and see if it comes back? Or you fucked up something potentially good for you and now you must suffer? The things about break ups is that it is easier said than done. What happens after? Pain and sorrow.....

This is what it feels like to be on the other side....

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