*L'kabbalah l'emet ul'kehilla: For LGBT acceptance, truth and community with a Jewish flare*

24 October 2009

Facebook's a Nazi

So I logged onto Facebook for the umpteenth time since starting a page on it in 2005, when Facebook was only accepting people who were college students, and I get redirected to a page saying my account has been disabled. Reasons? Well, *snickers* they said that my profile picture (a jewish gay pride flag held by a member of my synagogue) was misrepresenting the Jewish Community and it violated their terms.


I'm sorry, so MY picture that I took from MY synagogue (that not only ordains female rabbis but also opening gay rabbis) is MISrepresenting the jewish community? So, are all the "I hate Jesus" Facebook groups going to be taken down since they disturb Christians? Nope. History has proven that Nazi's only care about one thing...ridding the world of the infestation of gays and jews. It's very disturbing that they found that as a legitimate reason to disable my page, but not one profile was disabled when people had Obama as their profile pic for months (I LOVE OBAMA BTW). That was clear violation that "you are not to upload false information without persmission." None of these people were Obama and none of these people claimed to be him. Or the people who have Grey Goose as their profile picture. "You will not develop or operate a third party application containing, or advertise or otherwise market alcohol-related or other mature content without appropriate age-based restrictions."

So again, how was my JEWISH GAY PRIDE picture a violation? If Facebook can't explain this, which I know they won't, it will be time to go with the big dogs. United States Legislation department, cuz baby, I want my notes from 2005 back.