In a world filled with violence and pain, sorrow and despair, we as humans find a way to fill the void of tragedy anyway we can. Most of us run to religion because we want some sort of hope in the face of chaos. Some of us turn to science because we want to make rationalizations about the events happening in our lives. And select few of us turn to death and plead with him to remove us from the battlefield. But whichever choice you pick, the one choice that seems to be picked by many people is the concept that G-d is the reason behind it. G-d is either unpleased with a group so G-d sends a hurricane. Or G-d is disgusted with a sect and so G-d sends terrorists. Or an earthquake, or tsunami or a famine or the cliché; a flood. However you want to word it is fine but you must realize that everything said is only man’s concept of G-d.
No one has spoken to G-d directly and no one has seen G-d at all and anyone telling you they have is not telling the full truth. The Bible, which my Christian counterparts will so lovely point out, is the only truth there is. But I most protest; the bible is only collections of stories written by humans and translated by humans (bigot, racist, ignorant and homophobic humans). And yet we are required to believe what they say because they had a direct line to the Divine? Ridiculous. The only thing Jews follow from the bible, or Tanach (which is a compilation of what Christians titled the Old Testament), are the laws of Moses and even those have evolved and been rewritten, some done away with. The other stories, before and after, are just that; good reads and great inspiration for occasions, like Passover or Shavuot. But where does G-d come in at? G-d is shown speaking to people, most of the time in warning of destruction. G-d is also seen as being on fire or moving like a cloud. All these accounts are just a wonderful painting to what people think of G-d. But no one knows who G-d is exactly so they make up ideas about G-d and tell people they have heard from G-d.
One thing I know about any deity created from the thought of man is that the idea is only functional to the person who believes. And for that, my G-d is not vengeful so G-d will not send natural occurrences to punish any person. My G-d is all inclusive because if in fact we are all created by Divine image (both godlike and angelic) then all people, regardless of race, sexual orientation, creed, disability, ethnicity are all loved and are without flaw and blemish in the eyes of G-d. The concept of sin is different in every religion so too is sin a man made imposition. G-d is both perfect and imperfect because I am both. G-d is emotional because I am emotional. G-d is one because I am one. G-d’s will is my will because my will is G-d’s will. All of these concepts make G-d real for me, but I will not burden someone who believes Bacchus, or someone who believes the Earth is their G-d.
So all these prayers given up to ones divine deity about peace will never come to pass until these same people accept and understand that G-d is different for everyone. G-d doesn’t just work for one group of persons and not another. And the many names that people may call their G-d are all welcome: Zeus, Jupiter, Buddha, Jesus, Gaia, Chronos, Adonai, Goddess, Li Grand Zombi, among many others. This type of tolerance will bring the love that the Divine has destined to be in our lives. This type of acceptance will bring the peace in which was founded on our slowly dying planet. But until that happens, nothing will change if people don’t change closed minded thoughts. The concept of G-d will forever be man’s creation and it will soon lead to much heartache and pain if it isn’t rethought and revamped. Hine mah tov uMah Nayim shevet achim gam yachad. That is my prayer and my wish for all humans to live together in unity. Ken yehi ratzon.
They gonna be mad. But you are right.
I can't say that I don't agree with you. However, when I readd this I feel a 'but'. I'm not sure what the 'but' is though. Being older, I am working on understanding the Christian religion... Probably not as much as I should. It seems like no matter what religion it is, the thing that is being stressed the most is to have a good, clean heart. As far as your or my God's name or appearance, I don't
believe there is one. Perfect by definition is 'conforming absolutely to a description or definition of an ideal type'. They say that we were created in His image. But what image is that. It is said that He is forgiving, merciful, jealous, patient, vengeful, and more. Is that what image we were created from? I don't know if there are any specifics on what He should look like. If there were then why is it that my hair is kinky and curly while others are not? I'm not here to preach or further speculate because it all pretty much coincides what you said already. But (there it is) I think the
overall thing people should be accepting is to be kind-hearted and have faith in positivity and peace shall be achieved. And yeah... people ARE going to be mad. But they will talk about it, which will cause others to think about it, and maybe even cause a change.
I totally agree with your @TenacitySweet, you hit the nail on the head. I was telling my Facebook friends that my aim isn't to change, put down or disrespect different beliefs, my aim is to form a bond of tolerance between all beliefs created in the world. And that really can't happen if you have people that say that their beliefs are the only true beliefs and that anyone else that opposes that is wrong. That mindset needs to disperse quickly.
Also, in regards to your 'created in the Divine's image' thought, I think that since G-d is everything and nothing, we all have a taste of G-d in us. Our outside looks make us unique and special and I think that is purpose. But that is just a thought from some guy. Thank you!
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