"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me."
As we get older we realize that everything on earth is made of matter, matter is turned into atoms and molecules, these are turned into a solid, liquid, gas or plasma. So what do we think words are? Something so powerful, we can't understand why, when it happens, is it happening to us. Even in joking, words eventually manifest themselves into something solid. Whether you believe it or not, it's a matter of science and mental health.
"The economy is so fucked up, I WONT find a job," "I'm so sick, I'm dying," "I will never find a man, woman, love, etc..."
Words can hurt us worse than sticks and stones, seeing how scars from sticks and stones heal within days, words stay with us for years, and years to follow. It is true that actions speak louder than words, but words are powerful enough on their own. So let's watch our words and speak positive things into our coming future, our endearing present and our unforgotten past.

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