So I feel compelled to speak about the Chris Brown/ Rihanna situation and give my side of the story of it. As a victim of domestic violence I can relate to Rihanna's feelings not being changed as people would have hoped. Its hard to leave someone that YOU love regardless of how they hurt you, physically or mentally. As much as I hate the sappy Lifetime woman beater movies, they have some relevance to them. Its not till we have taken all we can and get that energy and power bottled up deep to just up and leave. Look at 'Enough' with Jennifer Lopez. A little over the top, but the principal aspect is true.
Its easy for someone who hasn't ever been in that situation, or someone who is stronger than their abuser to spectate and say, "Why be dumb and stay?" or "If he really loved you..." but as I say before, everything happens for a reason. There is a lesson from this painful relationship that Rihanna must learn, and who knows what the Universe has in store for them.
Lastly, we compare Chris Brown to the other Browns' (James and Bobby) but condemn Rihanna for staying. Did we forget that James's first marriage was 16 years, his next one 11, third one 12 years and his last one being 5 years. And Whitney? 1992-2007. And if we want to get spiritual, Juanita Bynum was in her abusive relationship since the early 80s and ended it not till the 90s and her last one was from 2002-2007. So lets get off of Rihanna's case and pray that she gets strength and wisdom from her attack instead of sending her judgment and guilt.
Now run tell that, thanks!
Its easy for someone who hasn't ever been in that situation, or someone who is stronger than their abuser to spectate and say, "Why be dumb and stay?" or "If he really loved you..." but as I say before, everything happens for a reason. There is a lesson from this painful relationship that Rihanna must learn, and who knows what the Universe has in store for them.
Lastly, we compare Chris Brown to the other Browns' (James and Bobby) but condemn Rihanna for staying. Did we forget that James's first marriage was 16 years, his next one 11, third one 12 years and his last one being 5 years. And Whitney? 1992-2007. And if we want to get spiritual, Juanita Bynum was in her abusive relationship since the early 80s and ended it not till the 90s and her last one was from 2002-2007. So lets get off of Rihanna's case and pray that she gets strength and wisdom from her attack instead of sending her judgment and guilt.
Now run tell that, thanks!

I think your opinion on that was very well put together. Everyone is so hung up on throwing a bunch of stones at Rihanna for going back. Get off her case! However, I must say that I will never again support chris brown or his music.
I'm afraid that being sympathetic to Rihanna's decision to go back to her abuser sends the completely wrong message to young men and women who are being abused.
Anyone who can go back to the person who beats them within an inch of their life is not operating with a full deck. I don't mean that as an insult, but I do mean to point out that there is something deficient within them--a self-loathing, a low self-esteem--that allows them put their "love" of a man before their own physical, spiritual and mental well-being.
Newsflash: That's not love, baby. Not in any definition of the word. If you don't love yourself, ain't no way you can love anyone else. And IF you loved yourself, you would not permit yourself to be abused.
What Rihanna is feeling for Chris isn't love; it's co-dependency. And what she needs, truly, is a good long series of therapy sessions with a psychiatrist.
And Chris Brown needs to go to jail.
I like the way you put it also. Heres what I think. Basically LOVE stands the test of time regardless of situation. Now noone really knows how they feel for each other. But it must be strong enough for them to stay together. If you truly love someone you can get past anything.
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