But now 2009, its a new day.
Friday, February 6th, I began to tap into an energy and power in me that I had forgot was there. During the "hurricane season" that I experienced last year, I lost touch of my inner spirit and the power it posses. But on this Friday, I not only attracted happiness, I attracted money, love, sharing and a rainbow. Yes, a rainbow. There was nothing like it ever. Typically when we see a rainbow, we either see a half of it, or bits an pieces of it. But this one was over the Fremont Bart Station, stretching from one mountain to the next. No half, no pieces...just full. That night, I watching a video on YouTube that had me crying balls of tears like I had just seen a sad movie. This man was disabled and couldn't get around but he was giving a testimony about how he hung in there and never gave up. What got my attention was the passage from the bible he used was the exact one I post on here for inspiration. When he was done, I was a mess. So I felt even more powerful and decided to put my order back on the line for a man. Shit, if I can attract a rainbow, I damn sure better be able to get a man.
So I gave the list that I wanted my man to have. Muscular body, i added at the very least he could be athletically build, caring, loving, humor, funny, affectionate....you know the works. But one thing I failed to mention was that he be ready and willing to be in a relationship. SOOOO, Saturday as I am cleaning, I get a call from this guy who I completely forgot about from when I first moved to Cali, wanted to take me out. On a new high off life, I agreed and when I hung up it smacked me in the face that EVERYTHING I put out last night, this man was. He was muscular, not the big body building types, the perfect muscle type, funny, caring, kind...blah blah.
Now when I get to the City (San Fran), I get off the BART and there is some guy walking by me and he smiled and waved. Normally, I would have just smiled and walked away but something in me broke. I smiled, walked away but stopped dead in my tracks and was like, what if the Universe sent him? So I did an about face and approached this out of the blue guy. I asked him for directions (knowing already where I was going) and he had the most charming smile I ever seen. Well, I didn't get his name cuz I thought if it was meant, that Id see him again. At least I approached him and proved to the Universe that I didn't neglect him. Now, the date was superb. He was a perfect gentlemen, opened doors for me, ordered for me, placed his hand on the small of my back, the works. We talked for hours and before I knew it, it was one o clock in the morning and I had got to the city at six.
Once I left the date, it was all like a dream. I loved the feeling I felt, the high I was one and was really asking myself, was this joy real? Not since Dax, have I went on a date with a guy that I had no expectations for and no aim to what was going to happen next. At least I was that powerful to attract what I wanted. May not be what I need, but it damn sure is what I want. So this Valentine's Day I will be in such a joyous mood and even IF I am alone on this day, I will def. not be lonely.
That much I can say to be true!

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