I don't care if he caught her fucking his brother in his mother's bed, no one has the right to put their hands on another person. Even if he was fending off an attack from Rihanna, the proper response isn't to beat her into unconsciousness. The decent response is to get as far away from her as possible and call the authorities. That's what anyone who would dare call themselves a man would do. All of the individuals saying that they would have done the same thing in Chris' situation, I simply cannot regard as real men. Half-men, maybe. Monsters definitely. But not real men.
What Chris did was the unmanliness thing imaginable: beat the shit out of a woman that is clearly no match for him, rendered her unconscious, and then left the scene of the crime. And his response, like every other guilty person throughout history, is to "apologize" (and it wasn't even an apology; he said he was sorry for "what happened" as though it was someone other than him that beat Rihanna down) and then suddenly claim God and religion and call on the name of Jesus to garner public sympathy.
It's so tired, but it's going to work. After all, Chris is a handsome young man and nobody garners public sympathy and instant forgiveness like a good looking young man--no matter what act he commits. And shit, all you have to say is "Jesus" and every Christian in the sound of your voice is going to protect and defend you. Because being a Christian doesn't require much thought, it just requires that you follow along like a lamb.
-Son of Baldwin
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