'For Colored Girls' is a movie, written/directed/produced by Tyler Perry, about 9 women, each of the them portray one of the characters represented in the collection of twenty poems, revealing different issues that impact women in general and women of color in particular. The movie is based on Ntozake Shange's play "For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow Is Enuf." and has gotten a vast amount of reviews; views on both ends of, if you will, the rainbow. Here I sat with esteemed blogger, SonofBaldwin and dynamic and respected blogger Toddy English as we discussed our own review on this movie:
Sonofbaldwin: Okay, so Jon, please tell Todd what they said to you.
Solobeatz: OMG so I got this dedicated to me after my post: If you hated "For Colored Girls" you need your Black card revoked. We supported "Boys In The Hood" and the other ghetto documentaries, why can't we support Tyler Perry? And then ‘It’s mostly just insecure black men who disliked the movie.’
Toddy English: Furies save us...*shaking my damn head*
Solobeatz: right
Toddy English: I actually got an e-mail asking me "Why do I hold Tyler Perry to such high standards" Like...uhm...maybe because I'm spending money to see his movies?
Sonofbaldwin: My maleness, whatever that means, wasn't insulted by this film so much as my gayness was. And even then, my outrage wasn't so much for myself as it was for Ntozake Shange, who had to watch Tyler Perry mangle her work.
Solobeatz : Maybe if his stories weren’t repeated every time and stereotypical I wouldn’t.
Sonofbaldwin : Let's be clear: Anything good about this film had nothing to do with Perry. It was the actors who made this film even remotely watchable.
Toddy English : I guess everyone went to the same colored theater and heard the irate church girls castigating the Omari Hardwick character...
Solobeatz : RIGHT!
Toddy English : Exactly , this was a true ACTORS movie
Solobeatz : All I heard was 'faggot' this 'fag boy' that but the rape scene was just....'o that’s a freak'
Toddy English : Now how sick is that?
Solobeatz : And we wonder why the black community is so disgusted by homosexuality
Sonofbaldwin : It tells us a great deal about what it means to be considered "a man" in this country.
Toddy English : What bothered me was how many black women were laughing about the domestic violence, rape, and scenes of potential violence
Sonofbaldwin : They laughed??
Toddy English : Are black people really this fucked up? Yes! It floored me
Sonofbaldwin : Wow.
Toddy English : Homophobia aside
Solobeatz : And the fanatic scenes of Whoppis character were added with laughter
Sonofbaldwin : Maybe they laughed in order to distance themselves from something that might have hit close to home?
Toddy English : When Tessa Thompson's character was being "exorcised" the fools in my theater thought the shit was funny. That was not CUTE. I think so Rob. That was the first thing that came to mind
Sonofbaldwin : Being gay, I think we have a special sensitivity to the whole "exorcism" bullshit.
Solobeatz : Mine too, I know I do
Toddy English : I imagine most of those women in the theater were probably abused, molested, or raped, and you laugh to keep from crying
Sonofbaldwin : It's very pervasive.
Solobeatz : or the dudes were dealing with their own sexual insecurities
Sonofbaldwin : Jon, the guys in your theater were making remarks?
Solobeatz : Whoa yes!
Toddy English : Most of the hatred of the Omari Hardwick character came from the women in my theater...
Sonofbaldwin : Mine too.
Toddy English : It was just flat out sickening
Solobeatz : EVERYTIME he was shown
Toddy English : I even told one of them to shut up
Solobeatz : I couldn’t even get the affect of the rape scene because of the constant remarks
Sonofbaldwin : Mostly women in my theater and they didn't mind spewing their homophobia. Black women, now.
Toddy English : Exactly. It was heinous. But it is not like Omari's character helped matters though. He was so thin and one dimensional...Tyler Perry wrote him in as a plot device, nothing more nothing less.
Sonofbaldwin : Speaking of the rape scene, and I hate to phrase it that way, but Anika Noni Rose, in her scene following the rape, was the essential truth.
Toddy English : She really was. I loved how vulnerable she was in that scene.
Sonofbaldwin : Everyone in that film was a plot device.
Solobeatz : It shows that Hollywood only sees black gay men as disease carrying cheaters incapable of having a honest relationship with either a man or a woman
Toddy English : exactly@Jon
Sonofbaldwin : May I ask a question: Why didn't they let Kasi Lemmons direct this movie?
Toddy English : That storyline could have been better had empathy been built towards that character...Instead we get a sensationalized stereotype just to get an audience reaction. Why no Kasi? Easy. Money.
Solobeatz : SMDH
Sonofbaldwin : I guess you're right, Todd. Hollywood is a business, after all. A dirty business.
Toddy English : They know Tyler Perry's name alone guarantees tickets. Moreover, Tyler's writing is so paltry that his target audience can really GET IT.
Solobeatz : Maybe if I go to a white theater it may be different. Oh wait, its for colored girls. Sorry.
Toddy English : lol What could have been an uplifting and empowering movie just turned out to be a big way that black women could come together to hate on closeted gay men.
Sonofbaldwin : Part of me believes that he purposely writes on a third grade level because he underestimates the intelligence of his audience. Or to be put more bluntly, he believes his audience is stupid or uneducated and he wants to make sure they get the messages.
Toddy English : BINGO! I feel the same way. This is a hustle to him. He knows his audience. So he is exploiting them
Solobeatz : I stopped watching Tyler Perry not because he's Tyler Perry but cause he can’t seem to think outside the stereotypical box when it comes to black issues. Someone has to be raped, or abused or infected by something or be a hoe.
Toddy English : EXACTLY!
Sonofbaldwin : And let me just tell you: They are a loyal bunch, the Tyler Perry followers.
Toddy English : Yes they are honey. YES. THEY. ARE
Solobeatz : Just like....wait for it......the fanatics Christians they claim to be. Yes I went there
Toddy English : this negro could fart and write a script about it and they would go in droves
Solobeatz : to the midnight showings in masses, but don't diss him too loud, we may get our black card revoked.
Toddy English : What's funny is that they all refuse to entertain the notion that Perry himself might be a Queen. Which is why they are so quick to espouse the homophobia
Solobeatz : I'm waiting for the NAACP to call me any moment.
Toddy English : Which sickens me. With his sexual confusion and ambiguity Perry should have had more empathy for his DL character. lol so true. Tyler Perry is almost untouchable in the black community, seriously. It's like if you ridicule him you'll be tarred and feathered.
Sonofbaldwin : So, as I was saying: the Cult of Tyler Perry is STRONG, let me tell you. It reminds me, very much, of the idiots of New Birth church in Atlanta, following their down-low preacher, Eddie Long.
Toddy English : Exactly. Same thing.
Solobeatz : You want me to get on that issue? Fine.
Toddy English : The irony is that they hate homosexuality yet FLOCK to gay leaders...lol
Solobeatz : This is why I left the Christian faith.
Sonofbaldwin : Isn't that ironic, though? That these people who DESPISE gays follow them to the edge of the cliff--as long as the gay person never admits it?
Toddy English : LOL crazy
Solobeatz : It was too much hypocrisy and hatred. How can Jesus love me but say I'm going to hell because I'm gay? Really?
Sonofbaldwin : Don't try it Jon, because the Jews ain't no better when it comes to homosexuality. Orthodox Jews in NY entertained gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino and agreed with his homophobic stance. The problem isn't just Christianity; it's religion PERIOD.
Toddy English : Religion in general is anti-gay. That is why I think gays, if they must have it, should invite their own religion.
Sonofbaldwin : Right @ Todd!
Toddy English : It really is easy. I've successfully exchanged "Oh my god" for "By The Furies." It really is simple.
Sonofbaldwin : You will definitely hear me thank Gaea or Athena or Isis at any given time of the day. LOL!
Solobeatz : I will admit, Orthodox Jews are no better. But when I chose to re-embrace Judaism I made sure to go into a branch that welcomes gay rabbis and openly gay members with open arms
Toddy English : I personally feel no need for religion. Growing up a devout Christian and then leaving that mentality behind I came to the realization that I was conditioned to "need" it rather than actually needing it.
Sonofbaldwin : @Jon: That's like saying, "When I go down south, I make sure that I go to the Ku Klux Klan rally that only yells at black people rather than lynch them." The institution ITSELF is the problem, not the interpretation of some of its members.
Solobeatz : Ok fine, I will go back to Wiccan then.
Sonofbaldwin : Preach, Todd! LOL @ Jon!
Solobeatz : There solved that one. Lol
Toddy English : And I can't really bother reconciling myself with a faith that deems me abominable just for the sake of having faith. So I don't get religious gays...lol But that is their right so...
Solobeatz : It is, but I don’t see myself as religious for the record. I typically don’t keep kosher, I don’t chant Torah, hmmm.....I wonder how my mother would feel.
Sonofbaldwin : But we digress: Now that we've trashed this film, was there anything you liked about it? Whose performances did you like best?
Solobeatz : I think Phylica Rashad was good for when she was shown.
Toddy English : Oh I can't rave enough about the actresses
Solobeatz : And Whoppi played the hell out her character.
Toddy English : I love Phylicia Rashad in everything. A truly beautiful actress who has mastered her art
Sonofbaldwin : Phylicia Rasahd shined in the scene where she comforts Thandie Newton's character.
Solobeatz : Whoa yes!
Toddy English : I loved Thandie Newton. Some people think she was over the top; but I loved every moment she was on screen.
Solobeatz : They sleep on her too much
Sonofbaldwin : But, and Jon you mentioned this earlier: Why did she run down the stairs to get help for Kimberly Elise's character instead of helping her or calling the cops?
Solobeatz : Right! I mean, you can get keys and walk into people's apartment all throughout but when it matters MOST....you run 5 FLIGHTS and yelling in the street
Sonofbaldwin : What was running downstairs going to do--except put the characters exactly where Tyler wanted them to be (all together on the street) when Michael Ealy dropped those kids out of the window.
Toddy English : I was not feelin Loretta Devine. I believe Tyler Perry wanted to play Madea for that part and opted for Loretta Devine after Shanges (sp?) held him at gun point
Sonofbaldwin : @Todd: I don't think Thandie was over the top, but I didn't buy her performance as authentic. Thandie is normally a remarkable actress, though. She was the SHIT in BELOVED.
Solobeatz : And was I the only one who saw 'The Color Purple' (yet again) and Waiting to Exhale written into the script?
Sonofbaldwin : Right. Loretta DeVine was the Colored Girl Madea. And The Devil Wears Prada.
Toddy English : oh TOO much devil wears Prada honey. I thought Miranda Priestly got a tan
Solobeatz : Oh how could I forget Janet's character!
Sonofbaldwin : Down to the hairstyle.
Solobeatz : But like all of his movies, we had the bitch character with no reason to why she was a bitch.
Toddy English : Sorta like he stole the scene from An Officer and a Gentlemen at the end of Diary of a Mad Black Woman
Solobeatz : Except she had money. Is that how all black women are in power and money?
Toddy English : I think Perry has something against wealthy people in general. If you are impoverished you are good. Wealthy, you are evil.
Solobeatz : But yet he idolizes Oprah.
Toddy English : Thank you! His big ole rich fag hag
Solobeatz : He wants to be her, drag and all
Toddy English : YES SIR!
Sonofbaldwin : Oprah is his therapy buddy. They have the common experience of abuse between them. They exalt their abuse to god-like status. Include Mo'Nique and Lee Daniels in the bunch, too.
Toddy English : I know...Sexual abuse is no joke but sometimes I wonder...How much can you put your childhood trauma on display?
Solobeatz : Until people stop paying to see it.
Toddy English : Oprah will tell you she was raped and molested before she'll tell you what time it is
Sonofbaldwin : I've decided that Oprah, Tyler, Lee and Mo'Nique are engaged in a public revenge fantasy. Their art is revenge against the people who abused them when they were young and we're all watching it played out. In the process, however, they're giving the world a distorted picture of black life. Sure, life ain't all good. But it damn sure ain't all bad, either.
Toddy English : Yep. All of Perry's insecurities and foibles are available throughout his films.
Solobeatz : Life is life, but damn, can I see some roses sometimes?
Toddy English : It sickens me that this is the sum of black life according to him. What about an ordinary dysfunctional black family that does not have rapes, beatings, and molestation? Exactly. Sometimes *gasp* life can be sweet.
Solobeatz : OMG really? I could never tell.
Sonofbaldwin : Their work gives white people permission to say, "See? I told you they were animals! That's why we have to oppress them. Left to their own devices, black people will destroy us all." In Tyler's movies, women can only be happy when they marry their dream guy.
Solobeatz : Bobby you are so dead on. A big muscular wealthy black man
Toddy English : EXACTLY! A light skinned muscular dream boat. OH he gotta be saved too, don't forget that. Furies forbid you marry a man that ain't saved
Sonofbaldwin : YES @ LIGHTSKINNED! Only one exception was that fine ass Idris Elba in DADDY'S LITTLE GIRLS.
Toddy English : Yeah he may be working and be really nice...BUT if he ain't got jesus he ain't shit
Solobeatz : Oh, I love him.
Toddy English : Amen FINE @$$ Idris
Solobeatz : Stringer Bell
Toddy English : Chile let me quit
Sonofbaldwin : Am I the only one who thinks that Idris Elba and that chocolate piece of lightning Lance Gross are FINE? Lol
Solobeatz : LOL. Add me to the bunch
Toddy English : Add me, especially on Idris! I'd let that man touch my body like Mariah Carey!
Sonofbaldwin : Idris is probably a top, though. We'd never work out. LOL!
Solobeatz : HA!
Toddy English : I love those tops
Solobeatz : Amen
Sonofbaldwin : LOL @ Mariah. Oh, man--did you hear she had to drop out of FOR COLORED GIRLS because she was pregnant, but then lost that baby? She's pregnant again, though.
Solobeatz : Wow.
Sonofbaldwin : And we love you right back @ Todd! Lol
Toddy English : Oh I didn't know she lost a baby! But she is still expecting. I think it is due early next year. So she wasn't takin no chances. I would have liked to have seen her in the role though.
Solobeatz : I'm not a big Mariah fan.
Sonofbaldwin : Oh, and let me not forget to shout out Tessa Thompson! She was impeccable in the dance school scene. And Macy Gray was FRIGHTENING!
Solobeatz : 'Open yo legs girl' I vomited a little
Toddy English : I loved Tessa Thompson every since her role on Cold Case a few years ago...That was an excellent episode. lol Jon. So true. Macy did scare the shit out of me.
Solobeatz : So apparently the queen who tried to come for me on my comment was read by someone else. About saying how could having an opinion make me insecure?
Toddy English : Some people go to any length to defend his mediocre work
Sonofbaldwin : I'll give Tyler credit for recognizing a diva when he sees one. (How can people NOT believe he's gay? LOL!)
Solobeatz : No, no, no he isn’t gay. Never. *looks around rolling eyes*
Toddy English : LOL I know right? I mean he just SCREAMS Queen. Even my mother, who is in her 60's, asked me if he was gay
Solobeatz : I remember when he told Oprah that he was added room in his closet for someone special. Never saw that woMAN did we?
Toddy English : LOL
Sonofbaldwin : Oh, BTW: The numbers are in. FOR COLORED GIRLS comes in third behind Megamind and Due Date: http://boxofficemojo.com/weekend/chart/
Toddy English : Well, he did bring his gay man's girlfriend with him to a premiere (the gay man's GF: Tall, think, modelesque, and is only with a male celeb for a photo op). Oh thank goodness. Maybe people are waking up to Tyler Perry's Tom Foolery.
Solobeatz : Now that all has been said here, I will finally do my blog on this....wonderful, inspiring, uplifting movie of Tyler's that he always seems to do. *sarcasm*
Toddy English : lol I don't think Perry has any incentive to prove
Solobeatz : At all
Toddy English : It's like throwing raw meat to squirrels. If the squirrels have no nuts and get hungry enough they'll eat the meat.
Solobeatz : Right!
Toddy English : And Robert, you were right about one thing. During Omari Hardwick's cruising scenes I felt the MOST authenticity...Miss Perry knew how to film and direct those! sho nuff
Solobeatz : Shhhh....we wouldn’t want his secret to get out. Lol
Toddy English : Lmao
Sonofbaldwin : LOL!
Solobeatz : Shall we say an ending prayer? Lol
Sonofbaldwin : Hell nah. Lol
Solobeatz : lmao
Toddy English : Furies Be praised
Sonofbaldwin : LOL!
Solobeatz : Praise be to Yevon
Sonofbaldwin : O mighty Isis! Okay, fellas. I am off! You have a lovely day!
Solobeatz : Ciao
*For more blogs by these wonderful men visit Son of Baldwin at http://sonofbaldwin.blogspot.com/, Toddy English at http://sirtoddyenglish.blogspot.com/ and Solobeatz at http://solobeatz.blogspot.com/ *
*L'kabbalah l'emet ul'kehilla: For LGBT acceptance, truth and community with a Jewish flare*
09 November 2010
07 November 2010
For Colored Queens, sorry Girls...
After much debate, persecution and told that I should have my 'black card' revoked, I am doing a blog review on what I thought on Miss Perry's current movie 'For Colored Girls.' As I sit and wait for the NAACP to call my cell phone, I will say that I thought the movie was yet again an adaptation of homophobia, bigotry and an explotation of stereotypes. The main point that made this movie bullshit, yes I said it, BULLSHIT to me was the fact that Janet Jackson's husband (played by Omari Hardwick) had to be a DL, self hating bisexual who (wait for it) infected Janet with, yes, HIV. Like the black community doesn't hate the gay community enough, let's exploit the fact that black gay men can't be anything more than disease carrying, down low brother's who are incapable of having an honest relationship with neither a male or female. Not only that, he contacted the virus from a random hooker, like it would be taboo to have him contact something from a lawyer, doctor or some other degree carrying citizen. Why was this story arc introduced? Nevertheless, I digress.
The acting in the movie was phenomenal I thought, and if it wasn't for these cast members, the movie wouldn't have been as intense as it was. Whoopi Goldberg had the fanatic Christian role down to a tea and Phylicia Rashad was beautiful and dynamic. I was very impressed by the evil incarnation that Michael Ealy played and I was thoroughly moved by Loretta Devine and her constant role she plays. But still love her in everything. Well not Dreamgirls, but that was a cameo, so it doesn't count.
But by all means, don't take my word for it. Go see for yourself. One of my best friend loved it and we are, gasp, still friends. Yet and still, I am waiting on that call.

But by all means, don't take my word for it. Go see for yourself. One of my best friend loved it and we are, gasp, still friends. Yet and still, I am waiting on that call.
04 November 2010
Love Hurts When Lust Hunts

Now with every rule, there are exceptions. There are people who blossom in the fairytale ending and the fairytale ending sticks. But they are just that, exceptions. We shouldn't base our past on these other people's success when our failings have made us bitter. It only makes matters worse. I can't help but wonder, 'why do people cheat?' And, I do not have an answer, but merely an opinion.
Love hurts the most when lust is on the hunt again. When our 'committed' relationships have became stray jackets than a greenhouse. For this reason, most people don't even entertain the notion of 'open relationships' but they are truly alive and they do work. But as for our committed cousins, there are exceptions to this open relationship rule. I find it to be a more freeing and more loving thing to be with someone who cares for you and cherishes you without the tie down of expectations. Expectations is what invites disappointments in as soon as they are not met or are diverted from. I find that at this current moment, an open relationship is the answer to my insecurities for the reason that if at any given moment, I can back out without hurt feelings getting in the way.
But we all can't get caught up in what other people have. By all means, if a monogamous, faithful, committed partner is what works for you, keep aiming for it. You will get it in due time. But don't let your expectations cloud your judgments, feelings and emotions. Love in itself knows no borders, only foundation. Everything its in is possible for growth.
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