People infected with HIV have more options than they had 20 years ago, however, the big insurance companies haven't expanded at all. Kaiser still declines applicants if they say that they are HIV positive. E Health Insurance declines you but gives you other options. It seems that the world doesn't want this epidemic under wraps, because if they did, the medications would be affordable and/or insurance would be given without question. You would think that if they knew someone who was infected with a virus that will affect a person's health, they would jump on it to stop it. Sadly, the world isn't as caring as it portrays.
It must be the white man's attempt to rid the world of "coloreds" or the straight man's attempt to rid the world of "fags". But what this closed minded humanity fails to realize is that a disease and a virus do not discriminate. They are equal opportunity. It saddens me to see that the movie John Q had no affect on America, but what do you expect to get from a bunch of drop outs and holy than thou people. It seems that people who are well off don't give two shits about people less fortunate than them, and people who are less fortunate seem to not care about anyone else but themselves. So where does that leave us in the middle? Where does that leave the people who actually care? Who actually want to try and save the world? Who actually want to move to Canada to get FREE health care, but can't cuz gas prices are 12 dollars a gallon?
If anything is to come to the next generation of humans, I pray that it's intelligence, tolerance, understanding, acceptance, and most of all chivalry. "If we lose love and self respect for each other, this is how we finally die." ~Maya Angelou.
*L'kabbalah l'emet ul'kehilla: For LGBT acceptance, truth and community with a Jewish flare*
31 July 2008
24 July 2008
Torn Apart
If I ask you for some time, will you give it without care?
If I tell you that I need some space, will you let me breath the air?
If I give you my heart, will you cover it up from the rain?
Or would my gift have been in vain?
If I make my life a better place, will you come in and take part?
If I take my problems to him, will our love finally start?
To whom it may concern, this poem is about me
Well in order to make myself feel free
I have to fix my broken heart
So it will no longer be torn apart.
If I tell you that I need some space, will you let me breath the air?
If I give you my heart, will you cover it up from the rain?
Or would my gift have been in vain?
If I make my life a better place, will you come in and take part?
If I take my problems to him, will our love finally start?
To whom it may concern, this poem is about me
Well in order to make myself feel free
I have to fix my broken heart
So it will no longer be torn apart.
22 July 2008
20 July 2008
The Low Down
The San Francisco Bay Area is one of the most diverse cities in America and also the most disappointing areas as well. I want to give you the pro's and con's of living in today's version of SF Bay Area. Here goes (time for the good side);
- San Francisco- One of the most openly gay cities in the world. SF 49ers.
- Oakland- the most culture and history on display around the entire city. The Oakland A's.
- Hayward- the most prepared people in the state.
- Marin CO.- Some of the beautifulest scenery in NorCal.
Richmond- the city with alot of hidden beauty in the heart of Downtown.
- Fremont- MC Hammer.
- Dublin/Pleasanton- GREAT shopping and dining.
- Concord- Full of people who know how to hang in there thru it all.
- Antioch- GREAT view at night of MT. Diablo.
- Vallejo- Some of the best out-on-the-town things to do every day of the week.
- Daly City- Some of the best recreational things offered here.
- San Jose- Some great history to learn here.
- San Leandro- Nicest people live amongst the others. And good food here as well.
- Livermore- Money, money, money rockin' everywhere.
- Berkeley- The most unique, original, eccentric, high sense of individuality city anywhere. The best weed too, incidentally.
- Emeryville- IKEA!
- Sacramento- If it was apart of the SF Bay Area I could tell you.
The Low Down 2
The San Francisco Bay Area is one of the most diverse cities in America and also the most disappointing areas as well. I want to give you the pros and con's of living in today's version of SF Bay Area. Here goes (I will start with the con's 1st);
- San Francisco-People here are surprisingly homophobic and rude. 2nd murder central under Richmond. Thats right folks, OAKLAND isnt murderville!
- Oakland- People here are loud, obnoxious and plain ignorant.
- Hayward- People here are scared and anxious.
- Marin CO.- People here are BEYOND racist.
- Richmond- People here are ghetto in every sense of the word. Also murder central.
- Fremont- People here are stupid.
- Dublin/Pleasanton- People here are stuck up.
- Concord- People here are bigots and also very racist.
- Antioch- People's mindset here are still stuck in the 1940's.
- Vallejo- People here are very annoying and oblivious to the world.
- Daly City- People here are very selfish.
- San Jose- People here are lazy and closed minded.
- San Leandro- People here are too lazy to drive to San Fran but too stuck on themselves to go to Oakland.
- Livermore- see Dublin/Pleasanton.
- Berkeley- People here are relentless.
- Emeryville- People here can't make up their minds on simple shit.
- Sacramento- People here ACTUALLY think they are in the SF Bay Area.
AIDS Walk 2008: San Francisco
July 20th at 2:30pm;
EVERYONE who walked, EVERYONE who donated (in person or online), EVERYONE who was there- raised $4,512,934 to become one step closer to finding the cure for AIDS.
$2,926,055- raised online.
$110- raised by the supporters of SOLObeatz.

Thank you!
12 July 2008
The Blue Velvet Lounge
So I went to this "straight" night club (right across the street from the Tribune Building) with my gentleman caller and OMG do I have a review for you!
The reason we went was to support his friend who was performing. The moment I stepped in the building I knew that I wasn't the only homosexual standing. So, I went to the bathroom to release my bladder and I had to use a urinal (ugh). Come to find out, it didn't work. Typical, seeing how the bathroom was far from immaculate. Well, I went back to my guest and met his friend who was performing (I felt a hint of DL from his hand shake, not my type though.) and started to order a drink from the bar. The drink I always and only get is a 'White Russian' and when the female bartender looked at me and said 'How do you make that?' I sat there thinking, 'Your kidding?'
Of course, leave it to black folks (gay or straight) to HARDLY ever start on time. The show was supposed to start at 9 and after my drink and taking in my surroundings to talk about here, it didn't jump off till, oh, 10:09pm. The band was great and I could listen to them all night, but the MC's were a bit overly obnoxious. The first act was a poet and he was fairly decent. Aside from the drunken chatter from behind me, I heard the meaning of the poems he did. It got a half of an applause from me. Immediatly following was two guys rapping. Reppin' da West Coast, they hyped up (or tried to hype up) the place. I began to notice that one of the rappers looked dead on Tony, my first love. Short and stocky, with his fitted hat and white tee. Everything. I sighed and shook my head in dispair. Needless to say, it got no applause from me.
So this girl gets up after and when I tell you Simon Calwell would have lit into her, take a hint. She was off key through 89% of the song, did not move from the stance she was in, thought she was singing good cause she kept getting loud, and when you thought it was over, she did another song. She stood in the same position and sounded like Keisha Cole and Ashanti, both suffering with a cold. To make it worse, she was the vocal director of the place. My guest leans over and says, "Her friends are saying she is drunk, thats why she sounds like that." I thought, "THATS her excuse?" After that 'hated it' performance, it was another female singer who used the band instead of background music like all the others did. She was good. But I guess anything is better than what I just went through. She worked the room and she hit them keys right. She got a smile from me after.
Cue another rapper to perform, and he actually got the place hype. People on the dance floor going 'dumb' and his lyrics weren't all that bad. Until his song, 'From the Ghetto.' He went from 'Bitch WORK' to 'No boo boo'. After him, they announced this "well known, famous, professional" singer on the stage, who OBVIOUSLY is a complete and utter homosexual (vers bottom if I may be blunt). But baby, he was JOOD! I actually sang along with him. I was really impressed and remind me to hunt for him on Myspace. Finally was the reason we came, my gentleman caller's friends. They were a dance group and did a series of dance steps to a mix tape they apparently made. But all in all, they were good. In sync with each other, moving and groving like they were on 'So You Think You Can Dance' or whatever show it is. I enjoyed.
So to sum up my experience, the performances were far from heaven but no where near hell. And if I ever need to get laid, the 'straight' night club is where I will be.
Till next yourself and each other. LOL.
The reason we went was to support his friend who was performing. The moment I stepped in the building I knew that I wasn't the only homosexual standing. So, I went to the bathroom to release my bladder and I had to use a urinal (ugh). Come to find out, it didn't work. Typical, seeing how the bathroom was far from immaculate. Well, I went back to my guest and met his friend who was performing (I felt a hint of DL from his hand shake, not my type though.) and started to order a drink from the bar. The drink I always and only get is a 'White Russian' and when the female bartender looked at me and said 'How do you make that?' I sat there thinking, 'Your kidding?'
Of course, leave it to black folks (gay or straight) to HARDLY ever start on time. The show was supposed to start at 9 and after my drink and taking in my surroundings to talk about here, it didn't jump off till, oh, 10:09pm. The band was great and I could listen to them all night, but the MC's were a bit overly obnoxious. The first act was a poet and he was fairly decent. Aside from the drunken chatter from behind me, I heard the meaning of the poems he did. It got a half of an applause from me. Immediatly following was two guys rapping. Reppin' da West Coast, they hyped up (or tried to hype up) the place. I began to notice that one of the rappers looked dead on Tony, my first love. Short and stocky, with his fitted hat and white tee. Everything. I sighed and shook my head in dispair. Needless to say, it got no applause from me.
So this girl gets up after and when I tell you Simon Calwell would have lit into her, take a hint. She was off key through 89% of the song, did not move from the stance she was in, thought she was singing good cause she kept getting loud, and when you thought it was over, she did another song. She stood in the same position and sounded like Keisha Cole and Ashanti, both suffering with a cold. To make it worse, she was the vocal director of the place. My guest leans over and says, "Her friends are saying she is drunk, thats why she sounds like that." I thought, "THATS her excuse?" After that 'hated it' performance, it was another female singer who used the band instead of background music like all the others did. She was good. But I guess anything is better than what I just went through. She worked the room and she hit them keys right. She got a smile from me after.
Cue another rapper to perform, and he actually got the place hype. People on the dance floor going 'dumb' and his lyrics weren't all that bad. Until his song, 'From the Ghetto.' He went from 'Bitch WORK' to 'No boo boo'. After him, they announced this "well known, famous, professional" singer on the stage, who OBVIOUSLY is a complete and utter homosexual (vers bottom if I may be blunt). But baby, he was JOOD! I actually sang along with him. I was really impressed and remind me to hunt for him on Myspace. Finally was the reason we came, my gentleman caller's friends. They were a dance group and did a series of dance steps to a mix tape they apparently made. But all in all, they were good. In sync with each other, moving and groving like they were on 'So You Think You Can Dance' or whatever show it is. I enjoyed.
So to sum up my experience, the performances were far from heaven but no where near hell. And if I ever need to get laid, the 'straight' night club is where I will be.
Till next yourself and each other. LOL.
"DL" is for Dumb Luck
When something happens by "sheer dumb luck", it is considered to have happened unintentionally and without planning. You tend to think, why do things happen the way they do? Why do people come in your life from out of no where? Well, of course, everything happens for a reason, so why not give it a title? Its dumb luck, baby. The reason I bring this up is because of my next topic for the day, men on the down low and the people who date them. (Next Oprah!)
I met this one guy who was originally a fan of this site (and still is), and we would chat online about the stupid people I would run into. He was a faithful little dear-heart and one day offered to take me out after work. I was a bit skeptical because of all the bad interactions I had ran into prior, so I initially cancelled the first time. He then rescheduled for another day. I reluctantly accepted and met him at my place (Outside, of course). His car was a sarullian colored, old model car you would see on Friday After Next or something. He took me to the hills and we talked and viewed the horizon for hours (Did I make a blog about this day already? hmmm). What did we talk about? Absolutely nothing, and everything. We then went to the movies and saw that crap of a movie "The Happening." (No, I made a blog about that.) After the initial first date, we continued chatting more online and over the phone.
I began to see that he is a people pleaser and it kinda scared me cuz Dax was a people pleaser and he ended up breaking it off because he needed to please himself instead of me. But there was a sense of self pleasure in his eyes, so I knew if he ever got tired of pleasing people, he wouldn't have a problem saying it. This being said, the more time we spend together, the more he aims to make me happy. Not just materially or physically, but emotionally. Even though he is struggling with his lifestyle decision, he sure hides it well when he is around me and he understands that I am not ready to jump into anything.
Its kinda hard on one hand because I went from a completely open-hands down my pants on Castro-kiss me on Market-hold me at Lake Merritt relationship to getting to know someone which will equate to a hands in my pocket in public relationship if we make that step. He did voice is opinion about working on using more PDA if it really meant that much to me. He also does little things out of nowhere just because and if I am upset, he is there to wanna talk it out. Typical? Maybe, but there's more. The sum of all the mini-drama we have experienced so far, most men would have left me. But he is still persuing. My dream is to get married and alot of black gay men don't agree. But he used the 'S' word when talking about marriage. Yes, that's right, he said 'SOMEBODY.'
Now most people who are bisexual, confused, or DL would almost always say her, she or woman when referring to marriage. So it kinda made me see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. And laying away last night while he slept, lightly snoring, I realized; I went through fairly the same thing with Lavarro (a bisexual male with a girlfriend and son,) but for some reason, this guy....I worth the time and effort to get serious with.
In due time of course.
I met this one guy who was originally a fan of this site (and still is), and we would chat online about the stupid people I would run into. He was a faithful little dear-heart and one day offered to take me out after work. I was a bit skeptical because of all the bad interactions I had ran into prior, so I initially cancelled the first time. He then rescheduled for another day. I reluctantly accepted and met him at my place (Outside, of course). His car was a sarullian colored, old model car you would see on Friday After Next or something. He took me to the hills and we talked and viewed the horizon for hours (Did I make a blog about this day already? hmmm). What did we talk about? Absolutely nothing, and everything. We then went to the movies and saw that crap of a movie "The Happening." (No, I made a blog about that.) After the initial first date, we continued chatting more online and over the phone.
I began to see that he is a people pleaser and it kinda scared me cuz Dax was a people pleaser and he ended up breaking it off because he needed to please himself instead of me. But there was a sense of self pleasure in his eyes, so I knew if he ever got tired of pleasing people, he wouldn't have a problem saying it. This being said, the more time we spend together, the more he aims to make me happy. Not just materially or physically, but emotionally. Even though he is struggling with his lifestyle decision, he sure hides it well when he is around me and he understands that I am not ready to jump into anything.
Its kinda hard on one hand because I went from a completely open-hands down my pants on Castro-kiss me on Market-hold me at Lake Merritt relationship to getting to know someone which will equate to a hands in my pocket in public relationship if we make that step. He did voice is opinion about working on using more PDA if it really meant that much to me. He also does little things out of nowhere just because and if I am upset, he is there to wanna talk it out. Typical? Maybe, but there's more. The sum of all the mini-drama we have experienced so far, most men would have left me. But he is still persuing. My dream is to get married and alot of black gay men don't agree. But he used the 'S' word when talking about marriage. Yes, that's right, he said 'SOMEBODY.'
Now most people who are bisexual, confused, or DL would almost always say her, she or woman when referring to marriage. So it kinda made me see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. And laying away last night while he slept, lightly snoring, I realized; I went through fairly the same thing with Lavarro (a bisexual male with a girlfriend and son,) but for some reason, this guy....I worth the time and effort to get serious with.
In due time of course.
04 July 2008
Support SOLObeatz
02 July 2008
Public Service Annoucement
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