October 6th, 2007

Well let's see. My thoughts and recollections of what and who I saw when I returned back to my home state. I enjoyed the time I had with one of my closest friend Steven and his boyfriend. I had a lot of laughs with him and got my mind off a lot of drama that hovered me in FL. The long needed smile that I needed, I finally got.
Nevertheless, the reason why I left VA quickly came back to me in an instant.I saw the one person I gave my heart to again and the pain and hurt returned all at once. The feeling of loneliness and void had risen up. But I did NOT cry. Too many tears were shed and this was just the closure I needed to get through. Thank you, my love, for letting me get the closing of the chapter I needed.
My daddy's surgery saved his life and that was a good turn-around for my trip. The situation that he had, doc said if he wouldn't waited a little longer, he would've died. My mother apologized for the bullshit she took me through and we spent the entire day on Sunday. I went to church, YES BITCHES, I went to church. I thought I was gone engulf in flames. LOL. The funniest part of service was how the story of David and Goliath turned into how homosexuality is wrong. LMAO! How in the hell do u go from some lil short man throwing a rock at a huge fat man to...two men fucking? HILARIOUS! Then the preacher had the audacity to look out in the audience after the sermon and say, "ITS SO GLAD TO SEE JONATHAN BOWLES HERE TODAY!"I was too thru!

Many thanks to Steven for laughs and all that jazz. I want to say thank you to my buddy CK. Even though I didn't get to see u, it was the thought that counts.Thanks Jerel for spending the day with me at Busch. Thanks to my sisters for being my arch of happiness. Thanks Kris. Thanks Melvin and Jalil. You all are greatly appreciated for being my back support.
Even tho I didn't see all the ppl I wanted, and you know who you are, I will chalk it up to busy schedules and unplanned events arising. Maybe next time, huh? Till then...Adieu.
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