The thing I hated most about Rolando was not that he was emotionally weak, but that he ran his mouth entirely too much. (I apologize, let me introduce myself. The name’s David Jackson.) I suppose I shouldn’t say hate, so we’ll go with dislike, hella much. To be honest, it was because of Rolando’s mouth why he and Chine’lo never lasted for more than two months. What Chine’lo saw in that boy, I will never know. But he did love him some Rolando. Ha, the stories I could tell from what he told me. The boy was wild in bed I hear. But, of course, you didn’t get that from me. But I guess men did it for my old buddy, Chine’lo, because two weeks into their relationship, it was over between him and his ex girlfriend, Shanda.
Oh god, Shanda.
I never liked that bitch, I apologize again, girl, from start. She was a true ghetto hood rat in ALL of the stereotypical sense. If there was a negative myth about black people that you ever heard, she was proof that it wasn’t a myth. She was hella black, hella skinny, fat ass (but of course that’s not what I mean.) She always wore the shortest shorts that the thrift store could make and the different color bandannas as a shirt. She was always loud all of the time and could never figure out when to just shut the hell up. But, that was MY concept of her. Something about big mouths obviously does it for Chine’lo. Wow, that came out so wrong. Nevertheless, Shanda also had a big issue with being TOO over protective of her man, from me. Now, THAT’S funny. She always thought I wanted her man all of the time. How ironic is that?
It was one afternoon, I was with Chine’lo and his friends, watching them play basketball in the stuffy eighty degree weather that Richmond, Virginia had to offer. Chine’lo’s "friends" consist of his best friend, Chantez, their best friend, Mitch and the groups body guard, Jai. With it being the middle of June, you can forget about either one of these muscle bound gods wearing a shirt. One god I was especially fond of was Chine’lo. But my friendship overpowered my sexual attraction to him at the time.
I was in the midst of a fabulous day dream about being fed grapes like Cleopatra by all of the men on the court, when Miss ‘Come Ruin the Moment’ appeared. Amidst my perspiration, I grunted.
“Hi, Shanda.”
She cut a look and huffed.
“I’m sure you’re happy.”
“What does that mean?” My face was heating with frustration. I saw her roll her eyes.
“I’m sure you’re happy. Like I said.”
“Pre tell, Shanda, why would I be happy? And why are you so sure?” I snidely asked, rubbing the top of my hands to keep from slapping the shit out of her. She smacked her lips, and then pointed to the court with her half did nails.
“Cuz, my man is almost naked. I know how you must fantasize bout him doing you. But, boo-boo, he’s all man. And all mine.”
I busted out laughing right in her face.
“Sweetheart, you sound so stupid.” At this point, I had positioned myself directly in front of her, “Chine’lo is my good friend and it’s because of that why I tolerate your dumb, bitch ass. But hears a secret for you to tell, I was here before you and I will be here after you.”
My voice was at a yell now that would make my mother jump.
“Now run tell that, bitch.”
That’s when she pushed me.
“Not if I have anything to do wit’ it, faggot.” She replied, pulling off her clip on earrings.
“What did you just call me?”
“What’s the issue?” Chine’lo popped in, stepping between us. His arms were around that hussy.
“Get your girl, Lo-Lo.” I answered, stepping away from them.
“No, no, you don’t call him that-“ Shanda began yelling.
“I will call him whatever the hell I feel like.” I jumped back toward her. At this time, Chantez stood behind me, gently grabbing my arm. The other guys apparently watched from the court.
“Just leave it alone, buddy.” I heard Chantez whispered. I rolled my eyes and eased my way toward him.
“I tried.”
“Tell him baby,” Shanda went on, caressing Chine’lo’s face, “Faggot’s can’t call you what I call you.”
“Hold on, baby girl,” Chine’lo began calmly, “That’s my good ass partna you disrespectin’. So watch what you say.”
She yanked back with disgust.
“You stickin up for that?”
I clenched my fist, prayed I wouldn’t lose it on her and took a step toward her. Luckily, Chantez slid in front of me to stop me.
“Shanda, you got one more time!” I boomed. Chine’lo shook his head and looked back at me.
“Play boy, I got this.” He turned back to his girl, “His name is David. He is and always will be my friend. You only got one option and that is to accept it. But baby, this is the last time that I will hold him back if you ever disrespect him again.”
Oh, if I could’ve just picked up her face off the ground and glued all six hundred pieces of it back on. All she did was step back and start crying. I found the dramatics funny, so I laughed. Of course, Chantez had to tell me to hush.
“What about my pet name for you, Lo-Lo?” She wined. Chine’lo sighed.
“He’s been calling me that since the third grade. It’s just a name.” he wrapped her up in his arms, “But it means more to me coming from you.”
Her eyes lit up like a fat kid saw a wedding cake.
God, spare me. I threw my hands up and walked away. This was a main reason why I never did involve myself with females.
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