How surprising was it that none other than the infamous Miss Donnie McClurkin gave a sermon on how being gay was the same as being a vampire? And how surprising was it that this said sermon was held at a Church of God in Christ convention? Not surprising? I didn't really think so. Since the COGIC business is ran by closeted and self hating queens, not to add homophobic heteros. It appalls me on how easily these words just flow from his mouth, just how much a black person who lives on Wisteria Lane can talk bad about a black person living in Florida Evan's apartment appalls me.
Donnie became famous (and more confused) when he went public to say that he was delivered from his homosexuality. Now, I won't talk about that, but I will say, being a person of the Christian faith, I will say that he is a liar. Jesus doesn't just take you from something and let's you swim in temptation, as Donnie has CLEARLY voiced he
goes through. When you are freed of a pain that is hitting you, whatever it may be to you, Jesus completely removes much as you want it removed.
Conclusion; Donnie is still a homosexual that hates his life, mad at other gays who are doing well (that are out), and needs to feel better about himself by getting a group of people who feel the same way around him to keep love from entering. Sit the hell down and shut the hell up!
first of all, you need to get your facts right.. I was there and he was referring to kids staying up all night on the computer LIKE vampires. He spoke to the COGIC and not to you.
The point is; while what he said is completely covered under freedom of speech, it does bring up the question on how we choose our words. Those words often lead to people looking at your leadership with questioning eyes. In particular, when you name a famous fellow pastor as target of your missive you are asking for controversy. When you talk about one's kids, that brings up controversy. The COGIC community needs to stop putting so much focus on people's wrong doing and just focus on doing what it is their religion says 'Love One Another'. Point blank.
You already know my feelings: Fuck COGIC and fuck Donnie McClurken--goodness knows that half the men in the south have already done the latter.
Church Of Gays In Crisis
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