I have viewed a lot over the years and the one thing that never ceases to amaze me is the lack of decency that most black people have. The media shows black people as either being really really wealthy (Real Housewives of ATL) or really really poor (The Wire) but at least in these venues, these people have some tack to them. In reality, it is a completely different story.
On the Light Rail in Sacramento today, I witnessed (as I have on the BART in Oakland) these guys who couldn't be no older than 17-18, blasting a radio with, yes you guessed it, rap. They knew each and every word and on some occasions, were louder than the radio itself. My first thought?
"Is there a part of the stereotype you don't fit into?"
Then I looked around. A white couple sat two rows behind, clinched and tight in their seats praying for their stop to come quickly. I saw a Mexican couple confused cuz they either didn't understand or they never seen a scene like this before. These black guys were obviously oblivious to their surroundings and I got irritated cuz this isn't the first place I have witnessed this kind of thing.
It seems that majority of the black, er, African American customers that I get make me wonder, is this why society doesn't like us? This majority comes in half groomed, attitude, loud and irate for no reason. If anything about their service is wrong, the entire world ends. And the other percent of African Americans who are decent, seem to find it hard to understand why these people act the way they do. No home training? World fucking them over? All I know is that we can NOT use the excuse of slavery any longer since, if you think about it, slavery should have made blacks MORE family oriented since that's all we had. But yet, we blame the "man" for holding us back. Society hates us.
Well, look at how you act.
If the majority of black people STOP trying to be Snoop Dogg, Mac Dre, TuPac, Lebron James, Allen Iverson and what have you and MAYBE try aiming for Baracks status, Ron Delums's status, Oprah's status, Martin Luther King's status, we may just be a better people. Life isn't all about fucking, smoking and rapping as you walk down the street without headphones. Use that talent for retaining information to get your degree, to manage a restaurant, to open your own legitimate business and to educate the bad asses that are coming up after us.
Then maybe we will have a hope in the sky. Just maybe....
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