When you have people who are close to you and the people who are close to those people, your life becomes more than just a ball of time. It becomes so much more the currency of the soul running through your veins. Life blossoms with emotion and interactions. It brings time and space into one sitting through the moments when you walk down the street, skate on the beach, bike over the mountains, roll down the hills, and run around the block. It is the life of the living. The life worth living.
But what does one do when this world embraces the next? When it kisses the world of death. As this world turns, the next world turns and the quick kiss is never seen to the eye of the mortal. But how does one comfort the hurt of a friend who has witnessed this kiss? How does a friend take back the chilling moment when time stops?
I pray the time of pain, sorrow and mourning passes quickly. Because when you cry, I cry. When I cry, you cry. We are in this together and our time of pain is here. May the Source of Peace send peace to all who are bereaved and comfort to all who mourn.